PYP Exhibition on the topic of "Security"

On May 17, our school hosted another PYP Exhibition on the topic of "Security", during which elementary school graduates were able to successfully demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired in elementary school through research projects and socially significant actions.

The following projects were presented at the exhibition:

  1. Alexander Chadayev - "Earthquakes"
  2. Artman Karolina - "Natural Disasters"
  3. Ulyana Kostyleva and Richard Ivanov – traffic video for elementary school students
  4. Isimgalieva Adele – a baby book for first graders with poems of her own composition "Social security"
  5. Makhambetov Tair - "Nuclear power plant"
  6. Issayeva Ailin - "Construction technologies"
  7. Fomenko Victoria - "Medical technologies"
  8. Nikita Shirobokov - "Media work in emergency situations"
  9. Nurmakov Minar - memo "Computer viruses – how to install an antivirus program"
  10. Dominika Grebenkina – memo "Cybercrime and security methods"
  11. Abrosimova Tamila - "Floods"
  12. Bazarov Egor - social action "Action - We are together" - collection of humanitarian aid for flood victims.
  13. Diana Panova and Sofia Seisebaeva – poems of their own composition "Security in the media"

Invited guests took an active part in this event - students of grades 2,3 and 5, as well as parents of graduates of the PYP program.

We congratulate the 4th grade students on completing the PYP exhibition, graduating from elementary school and moving on to the next stage of education - the MYP program.