National standard and PYP programme
Globalization and the growing impact of technology on social and natural environment requires from modern human to have international thinking, understanding of his/her place and role in the rapidly changing world, the ability to think critically and operationally to systematize the acquired information, discovering new connections and relationships.
PYP is a unique developmental programme for children aged 6 - 10 years, which provides each child the opportunity to regularly demonstrate and improve their ability to learn independently, to acquire knowledge and to easily adapt the ever-growing technologies in the world. Specially designed assessment system in PYP supports academic growth of each child and develops learning motivation. Multicultural awareness is the basis of the educational philosophy of PYP, so importance is given to the study of languages. College students are learning English. Particular attention is paid to the Kazakh as the state language. It also encourages the development of students' native language.
PYP helps broaden the scope of National standard and balance the learning context at each age level, gradually revealing the many linkages between the themes studied various areas of expertise and create the basis for further study of languages, algebra, physics, chemistry, geography, biology and history. Global approach of the programme helps to build multicultural awareness of students.
The proposed content of education corresponds to the age peculiarities of primary school students, aimed at forming a complete picture of the world; it is meaningful, challenging and promotes scientific literacy as the foundation for awareness, understanding and application of knowledge in real life situations.
Due to the flexible integration of both National educational standard of Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Baccalaureate PYP Programme teachers create the best opportunity for comprehensive development of young students according to individual abilities and capabilities.
A comprehensive approach to the educational process contributes to the development of interdisciplinary skills of students (research, communication, thinking, social and self-management), and teaching through inquiry makes it possible to create the atmosphere of psychological and emotional comfort and increase learning motivation. As a result of the study, students are able to make independent socially significant actions.