Psychological Support
Socio-psychological climate in the college is determined by the relationship of teachers and students in the following systems: "teacher-student", "student - student" and "teacher-parent". In order to achieve mutual understanding, trust and maintaining a friendly atmosphere, the principle of emotional involvement in the process of teachers, students, parents, the so-called "triangle".
The duties of psychologists, speech therapists, tutors, subject teachers, medical staff includes the following aspects: diagnostics of personal students’ qualities, status position in the team, such as temperament, aspiration to leadership, intellectual level, creativity, level of training and special educational needs. To carry out an individual approach to each student we arrange psycho-pedagogical consultation, the results of which are collaboratively developed recommendations for each student according to his/her zone of proximal development.
In organization of teaching process we use various strategies to develop the independence of students in the learning process. In primary school we provide students with regular sessions with a speech therapist for students having phonemic problems. Classes are held on the individual schedule.
The educational process is aimed at instilling students ‘sense of personal responsibility for maintaining friendly relations in the classroom and college. Attention is paid to the establishment and strengthening college classroom traditions through a cycle of educational activities. To support the educational initiatives of students teachers are recommended the use interactive teaching methods.
The main condition for preservation of favorable socio-psychological situation is to support the disciplinary climate in college and cooperative atmosphere in the classroom. To do this, the college has unified requirements for students, the implementation of which is obligatory for all college students.
The system of individual and group psychological counseling students and parents, psychological correction, thematic sessions have become part of the practice of college work.