Personal project
Personal Project in grade 10
Personal Project is obligatory, individual, research work for ICCE students in grade 10 within the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
Students are expected to spend approximately 25 hours on their personal projects. During this time, students must perform the product qualitatively and make a written report according to the requirements of the main document – " Personal Projects Guide, 2021".
Work on the project begins with research. Students, analyzing the world around them and their interests, should determine the topic of their project.
What are the requirements for the product/outcome?
The product is part of the project. It can be an original work of art, a model, a business plan, a campaign, a project or an architectural drawing, an essay, a course of study, a debate, a film, or other types of work. Students should independently develop objective criteria to measure the quality of their product..
Reporting the personal project
A report is a spoken or written account of something observed, heard, done, or investigated. A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. The report should be presented in identifiable sections, following the MYP project objectives—planning, applying skills, and reflecting.
The format of the report for the personal project can vary depending on the resources available and the interests of the students. Students should take into consideration learning preferences, personal strengths, and available resources when deciding on the best format for the report.
When submitting the report for assessment, students must include:
- the personal project coversheet
- the completed academic integrity form
- any supporting visual aids used during the presentation, if applicable
- bibliography/sources.
How is a personal project assessed?
Personal Projects are assessed using the following assessment criteria:
- Criterion A: Planning
- Criterion B: Applying skills
- Criterion C: Reflecting
The maximum level of every criterion is 8.
While working on the project, students regularly meet with the supervisor and keep a Process journal. The process journal demonstrates evidence of the student's independent research work and reflects the development of the creative process. Excerpts from the Process journal are presented in the Report.
The experience of ICCE students.
The personal project is the result of the interesting creative painstaking work of students. It allows them to demonstrate communication skills, intercultural understanding, and global participation. A personal Project is a culminating event in which all students show their individuality, their capabilities, and interests. Presentation of Personal Projects is a solemn holiday in ICCE. Most of the students successfully cope with the tasks set, develop ATL skills, and gain new experience and knowledge.