HomeKindergartenPedagogical staff

Pedagogical staff

Pedagogical staff of the kindergarten is a constant, like-minded people, who during long period of time successfully solve the problems of education according to the requirements of the National educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are professionals joined by one common desire: to understand a child, help him to become an individual, reveal his/her abilities. Each teacher effectively communicates with other team members, engaging them into discussion of pedagogical situations and emerging issues. Kindergarten teachers are state certified and have international certificates confirming their competence and professionalism.

The formula of success of pedagogical staff in the kindergarten is:


Logopaedics service
Correctional aid is provided for senior pre-school children with speech disorders that can prevent successful learning in school. Simultaneously 20-25 children can attend Logopaedics service. During activities children are divided into groups by similar speech disorders (five - seven children) or mini-groups (two - three children). The duration of session in group is 20-35 minutes. Individual session lasts 10-15 minutes. Speech therapist informs parents about the results of diagnostics and work perspectives to address the shortcomings of pronunciation. The duration of therapy is directly dependent on the degree of speech disorder and individual characteristics of child. As required in the process of work and after the speech therapist gives advices to teachers and parents.

To deal with emotional and behavioral difficulties of children the kindergarten provides psychological service. The main priorities of psychological services are:

  • the psychological health of children;
  • creating a positive emotional environment;
  • comprehensive diagnosis and correction;
  • professional development of specialists.